Friday, 29 January 2010


So, yeah...I'm the woman with 5 kids. And yeah...I've heard it all "you are crazy" or "how do you do it" or "don't you guys have a TV?". Really, I've only got 5 kids, some people have 6 or 7. The Duggars in America have 19 or something stupid. I have 5, but around this village I'm referred to as 'The Woman with 5 kids'.

Can I start by saying that I love my kids with every inch of my being. I am so VERY blessed to be their mother and i would NOT have it any other way. This blog is to vent my daily frustrations so that i do not chew my hubby's head off when he walks in the door. See my DH (Darling Husband or Dick Head...depends on the day) has expressed on many occasion that I do not work, and he does. This is the reason I have to cook all meals, do all laundry, all the cleaning, cleaning up after 7 people, look after the chickens and duck and help restore our Barn Conversion house (the latter i refuse to do). So this is the DH sits at a desk all day fiddling with a mouse and I sit around and drink coffee and eat cookies. WONDERFUL!

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling hun. I look forward to keeping up with your blog :)
