Friday, 29 January 2010

All in a days work, before 9am

What have you done before 9am? In my DH's case, he laid in bed till 7.35, got himself washed and dressed and was headed out to work at 7.55. Then 8.10 he takes his pew at the computer and talks to his co-workers about how TIRED he is because his baby was crying from 5am.

Poor man, it's got to be so hard to have a young baby and have to get to work.

I, on the other hand, don't work. So, all I did was remove the baby from our bedroom at 5am so that the screaming wouldn't disturb DH too much. Went to sit in the COOOOOLD living room with said 'screaming baby'. When 7am rolls around and the baby finally calms down I woke up the other 4 children, got 2 dressed and ready for the day, made breakfast, packed lunches, sorted school bags and changed the baby's diaper. Got them all in the car 7.55am. It has to be early this morning because #4 (child #4...I will hereby refer to them as numbers) has a hearing test up the hospital at 8.30am. We arrive at the hospital I attempt to put on some make-up whilst sitting in the parking lot (just so that I can half-resemble a human). Whilst #2, #3 and #4 climb on the chairs chasing each other. We arrive at the Audiology Department, baby pukes EVERYWHERE (ah...this will explain the hours of screaming, he has tummy ache!). We use all burp cloths, tissues and wet wipes to try and clean up the mess on the floor and car seat. #1 (8yr old) is helping soooo much at this point, and the boys are fighting in the kids play area. I then wrestle #4 into the 'Hearing Test Room' and pretend that #2 &3 are in fact not my children, leave them playing in the play area. . #4 does NOT want to participate with the hearing test but I manage to persuade him. OK he can hear FINE...just doesn't listen (what's new?). Coats BACK on and back into the car.

CRAP, I don't have any money for the car park....I don't have any bank cards as the bank cancelled them after a fraud scare on my account. Quick everyone empty your pockets, I tip out my diaper bag and manage to find the $2 I need to get out the car park.

Now I can take the kids to school, go home, feed the chickens, feed the's 9am.

1 comment:

  1. You know, it's nice to see these kinds of entries from other mothers. I often find myself falling into the trap of re-evaluating my day to see if I've "really" done anything after a snarky DH comment.

    The American Army had (or maybe still has -- there's DVR now so I no longer watch commercials) a slogan "we do more before 9am than most people do all day" -- I think the same holds true for us SAHMs. And you have my life times 5. Bless your heart!! (And uterus, if I may say....) :)
